Dental Health
You brush your teeth regularly, you use a mouthwash, even floss, and follow everything what your dentist in a Boston Dental tells you. With all these things, you are assured that you have a healthy oral health. But did you know that all these practices can actually keep your heart healthy as well? Research has found significant links between the condition of your mouth and heart. In fact, those who develop gum diseases have the risk for heart disease. According to one study of 320 adults, half of them had a heart disease, researchers found out that these participants are likely to have gum diseases, tooth loss, and bleeding gums.

Experts started to understand that the different underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular disease is related to inflammation. There are types of bacteria that normally occur in the mouth, but when you don't brush and floss properly to remove plaque, the risk for a person to have gum diseases become higher. And when a gum disease has developed, you are creating an environment for the other bacteria, which do not normally grow in the mouth. In addition, as gum disease causes bleeding gums, bacteria move into the bloodstream, while setting up an inflammatory process in the blood vessels. So how is this related to the heart? The bacteria may increase the risk for heart disease as it would contribute to clot formations and plaque build-up in the arteries that may interfere the flow of the blood to the heart.

As stated by the American Academy of Periodontology, half of all people aging over 55 have gum disease. Gum disease is also one of the prime reasons for people of age 35 and older to lose their teeth. As a person gets older, the risk for gum disease also increases. But what is more important is staying on the top of your dental health and starting it in the childhood years. Brushing, flossing, and dental check-up on a regular basis would help you in keeping gum diseases at bay. If in case you happened to see some of the symptoms below, let your dentist know about it immediately as they can be some warning signs of gum diseases.
  • persistent bad breath
  • sour taste in the mouth
  • swollen and tender gums
  • sensitive teeth
  • bleeding gums
  • loose teeth
  • pain when chewing
The oral health of a person is considered to be the window to his overall health. This is basically one of the reasons why since we were kids our parents and dentists would tell us to practice a good oral hygiene. We have to realize that before anything can enter into our body, they pass through our mouth. And thus, taking care of our mouth would lead to our overall health. As you prevent gum diseases, you are also preventing the occurrence of other diseases that may affect your overall health. Visit your dentist and discuss problems with him/her and start practicing a healthier lifestyle now.

3/24/2017 03:17:01 pm

Great post. Thanks for sharing

10/20/2017 12:37:28 am

It is crazy how dental health correlates with overall health, especially your heart


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    Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth.
